Individual Inns

Legh Arms

The Village, Prestbury, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 4DG

Individual Inns

Gift Cards

Looking for inspiration? Our gift vouchers can be used against drinks, food or stays at The Legh Arms in Prestbury or any of our sister pubs and inns.

Gifts for all

Gift a drink

Give the gift of beer. A voucher is an ideal way to get a round in for a special occasion.

Gift a meal

Our gift cards can be used to purchase anything from our delicious restaurant menu.

Gift a stay

If you really like to push the boat out, then gift someone a night at any of our great pubs and inns.

Gift Card Information

Gift Amount

Send a treat from £10 to £250, in increments of £5.

Gift Type

Choose from an email gift voucher or physical gift card.

Gift Message

Add a heartfelt message to personalise your gift.

Gift Delivery

Select postal service or date to deliver your email.

Gift Duration

Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. See full T&Cs.

Covid Promise

If we are required to close our pubs, we will extend the gift card duration period.

Check your balance

Already have a card? It's easy to check your balance online.

Terms and Conditions

View our full gift voucher terms and conditions.